The damped harmonic Hamiltonian is infered from harmonic Hamiltonian, by introducing the canonical transformation. 从线性谐振子哈氏量出发,通过正则变换,得到了受迫阻尼谐振子哈氏量。
The canonical transformation method is proposed for symplectic conservative perturbation approximation. 然后给出正则变换的摄动保辛方法。
The spectrum and intensity distribution off two-photon resonance fluoresence is obtained by a canonical transformation of the Hamiltonian of the system and from the solution of the Heisenberg equations of fluoresence field operators. 通过对系统Hamiltonian进行一规范么正变换,并求解荧光场算符的运动方程,从而得出双光子共振荧光的频谱及强度分布。
The major objective is the discussion of canonical transformation of thermodynamical quantities in equilibrium thermodynamics by the Gibbs variational principle. 借助于Gibbs变分原理,讨论了平衡态热力学中热力学量的正则变换。
Generalized Poisson bracket and generalized canonical transformation 广义poisoon括号与广义正则变换
By means of the language of mathematical logic the invariance of Hamilton principle under canonical transformation is expressed and proved. 用数理逻辑的语言表述了哈密顿原理及其在正则变换下的不变性,并给以证明。
The urban planning can work efficiently in virtue of it. This paper introduces some classical approaches and some other ways such as in direct change detection adding the gray level classification, mending the M canonical transformation method. 本文在介绍经典变化检测方法的基础上,提出了在直接检测方法中加入灰度自动分类的方法,并进一步对M典型变换做改进。
The application of canonical transformation in Physics 正则变换在物理学中的应用
A canonical dressing transformation of two-atom system by intense laser field 在强激光场作用下双原子系的规范修饰(Dress)变换
A generalized canonical transformation and a SCF method have been used to investigate the influence of isolated impurity atoms on the properties of superconductors. 本文利用广义正则变换和自洽场方法,讨论了单个杂质对超导体的影响。
The canonical transformation and the spin wave in two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system 二维Heisenberg反铁磁系统中的正则变换和自旋波
Image Recognition of Radar Target Based on Canonical Transformation 基于正则变换的雷达目标成像识别
Superconvergent Perturbation Method and Quantum Canonical Transformation ⅱ-Their Connections 超收敛微扰与量子正则交换Ⅱ&二者的关系
Canonical transformation and its application in celestial mechanics 正则变换及其在天体力学中的应用
Generalized Multi-Time Hamilton Principle and Canonical Transformation Group 推广的N个时间的哈密顿原理和正则变换群
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Generalized Canonical Transformation for Nonholonomic Conservation Systems 一类非线性双曲型方程组的大范围解非完整保守系统的广义正则变换的充要条件
The harmonic Hamiltonian system related by canonical transformation are considered. 考虑了由正则变换相关的谐振子Hamiltonian。
The above theorem guarantees that the quantum Schubert functors are well-defined, and are compatible the canonical natural transformation from H^ (-) to H? 上面的定理保证量子Schubert函子Hw~O是可以定义的。并且与从函子HW~O(-)到函子Hw~O(-)的自然变换相容。
The last part includes our numerical results about the QOD model. THE CANONICAL TRANSFORMATION AND THE SPIN WAVE IN TWO DIMENSIONAL HEISENBERG ANTIFERROMAGNETIC SYSTEM 第四章,介绍了一种准一维反铁磁海森堡自旋模型的数值模拟结果。二维Heisenberg反铁磁系统中的正则变换和自旋波
Based on the phase-space generating functional of Green function, the canonical Noether identities under the local transformation at the quantum level have been derived. 基于Green函数的相空间生成泛函,导出了定域变换下的量子正则Noether恒等式;
The necessity of introducing Quantum Canonical Transformation ( QCT) is discussed. The definition of QCT is given. 讨论了引入量子正则变换的必要性,介绍了量子正则变换的定义。
Multivariate Change Detection Based on Canonical Transformation 基于典型相关分析的多元变化检测
The symplectic conservative perturbation for a transfer symplectic matrix should be based on the canonical transformation method. 辛矩阵只能在乘法群下保辛,故传递辛矩阵的保辛摄动必须采用正则变换的乘法。
As an example of using the canonical transformation, the ideal gas was discussed. 作为应用正则变换的实例,讨论了理想气体并得到了简明的结果。
By using the point canonical transformation in path integral method, we obtained the exact wave functions of one dimensional Morse oscillator. 按路径积分方法,应用点正则变换,得到一维Morse势体系的波函数的精确解。
The canonical transformation of remote sensing images and its application to lithologic discrimination 遥感图象的典型变换方法及其在岩性识别中的应用
The polarization potential can be gained by the first canonical transformation. 经过第一次幺正变换后,我们求出极化势(polarizationpotential);
It is shown that the topological term in the O ( 3) nonlinear σ-model can be removed by a suitable canonical transformation in the classical theory of the model. O(3)非线性σ模型的经典理论中的拓扑项可以用一适当的正则变换移去。
A Primary Transformation Method of Altering Quadric Form into Canonical Form with Orthogonal Transformation 用正交变换化二次型为标准形的初等变换方法
For discrete linear time invariant systems, detailed deduction is given to the algorithm of observer design based on the Kronecker canonical form transformation of matrix pencil. The resulted observer is sensitive to specific faults and is uncoupled from other unknown inputs. 对于线性离散定常系统,详细推导了基于矩阵束的克罗内克尔标准形变换的观测器设计算法,所得观测器对于指定故障敏感,对其他未知输入解耦。